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RAY research results, reports & publications related to the European Youth Programmes (Erasmus+ Youth, from 2014 onwards & European Solidarity Corps, from 2018 onwards)

Reports Title


Exploring effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth Programme from the perspective of project participants and project leaders

Research Report //
Effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
This is the research report monitoring effects and outcomes of Erasmus+ Youth in Action (between 2021 and 2023)

Published in September 2024
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Research Report //
Effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
This is the comparative research report monitoring effects and outcomes of Erasmus+ Youth in Action (between 2014 and 2020)

Published in January 2022
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Data Report //
Effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
This is the comparative data report monitoring effects and outcomes of Erasmus+ Youth in Action, based on data collected during the period 2014 to 2020.

Published in November 2021
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Research Report //
Effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
This is the newest research report monitoring effects & outcomes of Erasmus+ Youth in Action, based on data collected in 2019 & 2020

Published in March 2021
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Data Report //
Effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
This is the most recent data report monitoring effects and outcomes of Erasmus+ Youth in Action, based on data collected in 2019 & 2020.

Published in March 2021
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Research Report //
Exploring inclusion
in Erasmus+
Youth in Action
This study explores how social inequalities affect the learning outcomes of young people who participated in Erasmus+ Youth in Action projects.

Published in September 2020
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Research project on the impact of the Corona pandemic on youth work in Europe

Transnational case study report // Impact of the corona pandemic
This report is a transnational analysis of the overall context of successful youth work responses to the coronavirus pandemic across 10 RAY partner countries.

Published in September 2022
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Survey findings // Recovery programmes and youth work in Europe
We have put together a short document with key findings from our survey on recovery programmes and the access of and impact on youth work in Europe.

Published in September 2022
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Survey findings // The effects of the pandemic on youth work in Europe
We have put together a short document with key findings from our multilingual survey on the corona pandemic and its effects on youth work in Europe.

Published in September 2022
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Literature Review //
Young people and the pandemic
We undertook a second literature review on European and global research findings related to youth work and young people during the corona pandemic.

Published in April 2021
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Policy Brief // Youth work and the corona pandemic in Europe
We have published a first policy brief with key findings from our initial survey and literature review on youth work and the corona pandemic in Europe.

Published in September 2020
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Survey findings // Youth work and young people during the pandemic
We have published a first data snapshot with key findings from our initial survey on the corona pandemic and its effects on youth work in Europe.

Published in August 2020
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Research project on the dimensions of digitalisation in the European youth programmes

Key findings //
Exploring successful approaches to digital youth work
These are the key findings of the transnational analysis of more than 60 digital youth work case studies (conducted between 2022 and 2024) in and beyond Europe

Published in October 2024
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Research Report //
Exploring successful approaches to digital youth work
This is the transnational analysis of 64 digital youth work case studies (between 2022 and 2024) in and beyond the European youth programmes

Published in October 2024
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Research project on approaches to participation and citizenship education and learning in the European youth programmes

Research report // Participation and citizenship education and learning in European Youth Programmes
This research report explores the contribution of European youth programmes to the development of participation and citizenship competence and practice. Transnational analysis 2019-2021.

Published in March 2022
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Summary report // Participation and citizenship education and learning in European Youth Programmes
This summary explores the contribution of European youth programmes to the development of participation and citizenship competence and practice. Transnational analysis 2019-2021.

Published in May 2022
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Exploring the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps

Factsheet // A closer look at the solidarity projects strand
We undertook a small explorative study to explore some of the many dimensions of solidarity projects.

Published in October 2023
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Research report // Special Programmatic Study 2022–2023
We took a closer look at the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps in recent years.

Published in October 2023
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Literature snapshot // Solidarity in pandemic times
We took a closer look at research on how solidarity is changing during pandemic times.

Published in June 2022
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Literature snapshot // Solidarity in Europe revisited
We took a closer look at the literature on concepts and understandings of solidarity and European solidarity.

Published in March 2022
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Research report // The European Solidarity Corps during its first year
We took a closer look at the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps during its first year.

Published in June 2020
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Executive Summary // The European Solidarity Corps during its first year
We summarised our look at implementation of the European Solidarity Corps during its first year.

Published in June 2020
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Competence Development and Capacity Building in Erasmus+ Youth in Action

Research Report // The impact of the programme on capacity building and competence development
This is the final transnational analysis of the RAY CAP research project, exploring competence development and capacity building of youth workers and youth leaders.

Published in November 2019
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Research Report // The impact of the programme on competences of youth workers & youth leaders
This is the 2018 interim transnational analysis of the RAY CAP research project, covering competence development of youth workers and youth leaders.

Published in December 2018
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Research Report // First findings on competence development of youth workers & youth leaders
This is the 2017 interim transnational analysis of the RAY CAP research project, with first findings on youth work competence development through Erasmus+.

Published in December 2017
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Long-Term Effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship

Policy Report // Main RAY LTE Findings from interviews and surveys
This is the final policy report of the RAY LTE research project, presenting the main findings from all conducted interviews and surveys.

Published in September 2019
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Research Report // Final Transnational RAY LTE Analysis
This is the final transnational analysis of the RAY LTE research project, covering all interviews and surveys between 2015 and 2018.

Published in March 2021
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Main findings // Interim Transnational RAY LTE Analysis
These are the main findings of the 2018 interim transnational analysis of the RAY LTE research project, covering data between 2015 and 2017.

Published in August 2018
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Data Report // Interim Transnational RAY LTE Analysis
This is the data report of the 2018 interim transnational analysis of the RAY LTE research project, covering data between 2015 and 2017.

Published in August 2018
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Executive Summary // Interim Transnational RAY LTE Analysis
This is a summary of the 2018 interim transnational analysis of the RAY LTE research project, covering data collected between 2015 and 2017.

Published in May 2018
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You can find older reports here.

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