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RAY STRAT » Research project on the contribution of the European youth programmes and sector strategies

>> Started in 2021

This research project explores how the European youth programmes contribute to programme- and sector-specific strategies that frame and guide the European youth programmes, both through activities/projects of programme beneficiaries and through strategic cooperation projects of National Agencies.

Aims & Objectives

The key objectives of this research project are to

  • capture how the European youth programmes contribute to the implementation of sector- specific strategies of direct relevance, such as the EU Youth Strategy, the European Youth Goals, and the European Youth Work Agenda;
  • analyse how the European youth programmes contribute to the implementation of programme-specific strategies of direct relevance, such as the Inclusion Strategy, the Youth Participation Strategy, and the Training Strategy;
  • explore the role of programme- and sector-specific strategies for the European youth programmes and their implementation, including any potential for improvement and any strategic gaps.

Research Questions

Core research questions:

  • How do the European youth programmes contribute to the implementation of programme- and sector-specific strategies, and how could these contributions be further strengthened?
  • Which role do existing strategies play in the implementation of the European youth programmes and their different activity and project formats, and how could this role be further strengthened?

Further Information

  • How do different activities and projects of programme beneficiaries contribute to the realisation of programme- and sector-specific strategies of relevance?
  • How do different strategic cooperation projects of National Agencies contribute to the realisation of programme- and sector-specific strategies of relevance?
  • With respect to their contribution to the realisation of programme- and sector-specific strategies, what are the differences between activities and projects by programme beneficiaries and strategic cooperation projects of National Agencies, if any?
  • How could activities and projects by programme beneficiaries be strengthened specifically to reinforce their strategic role and contribution?
  • How could strategic cooperation projects of National Agencies be strengthened specifically to reinforce their strategic role and contribution?
  • Which role do sector-specific strategies play for the implementation of the European youth programmes, and how could their role be further augmented?
  • Which role do programme-specific strategies play for the implementation of the European youth programmes, and how could their role be further augmented?

Biennial think-thank meeting

Strategic discussions and reflections, each think-tank meeting would have a dedicated thematic focus.

Expert focus groups

The focus groups would explore the thematic priority of the think-tank meeting, and bring together actors from the context of the European youth programmes (experts from policy, practice and research) as well as the strategy being discussed.

Survey modules for monitoring surveys

Strategy-specific survey modules will be developed to explore how and to which extent activities/projects funded through the European youth programmes contribute to (a) the aims, objectives and priorities of the programme itself, (b) programme-specific strategies, such as the inclusion strategy, and (c) youth-sector specific strategies that the programme is intended to contribute to, such as the EU Youth Strategy. Strategic survey modules will be included in each of the biennial survey cycles (2022, 2024, 2026) for subsets of respondents, covering all activity/project types.

SNAC stand-alone surveys

Participants of strategic cooperation projects between National Agencies may not in all cases be part of the contact data used for the monitoring surveys. Where adequate and needed, participants of SNAC activities could be surveyed directly with a modular stand-alone survey that contains the strategic survey modules and would be complemented by SNAC-specific questions.

Survey with beneficaries (optional)

A specific survey with beneficiary organisations may be conducted to explore how and to which extent activities/projects funded through the European youth programmes contribute to the realisation of programme- and sector-specific strategies. These surveys will build on the survey modules for monitoring surveys. The frequency and timing of these surveys still need to be decided.

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