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Youth Research Dialogue

Sustainability and young people – Competences needed and what else?

The third Youth Research Dialogue in 2024 took place on 8 April focusing on: ‘From young people’s green competences to future needs: Perspectives from the non-formal and formal learning fields’.

Johannes Eick from the RAY transnational team presented evidence-based data from the latest RAY Monitoring findings, providing perspectives of how the European youth programmes address this subject. Additionally to the insights from the non-formal learning field, our guest speaker Francesca Borgonovi, Head of Skills Analysis, OECD Centre for Skills shared insights from the formal education side. The dialogue focused on relevant factors for young people to acquire environmental sustainability competences in general, as well as on dimensions of green competences which are strengthened through the European youth programmes. Further on, our speakers went beyond the aspect of individual knowledge and reflected on limitations of the European youth programmes as well as broader structural issues, socioeconomic aspects, policies and related needs.

This episode was part of the RAY Monitoring Editions. As a reminder, these special editions focus on our newest findings of the RAY Monitoring surveys with beneficaries of the European youth programmes. You can rewatch the other parts of this series HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

Moderated by Leena Suurpää and Domagoj Morić


Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to rewatch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:


>> Francesca Borgonovi, Head of Skills Analysis, OECD Centre for Skills

Francesca Borgonovi is the Head of the Skills Analysis team in the OECD Centre for Skills at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) where she is responsible for the biennial Skills Outlook publication. In the past, she was responsible for analytical and development work in the OECD-led international assessments (PISA and PIAAC) and the Education for Inclusive Societies project. Her interests include: cross-country differences in skills, engagement, and motivation; gender and socio-economic disparities in academic outcomes; and the economic and social returns of skills. She is also an Honorary Professor at University College London.

>> Johannes Eick, RAY Transnational Research Team

Johannes Eick is a youth and civic engagement researcher working for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. There, he is part of the transnational research team of the RAY Network for the Research-based analysis of European Youth Programmes. Currently, he is also working as a teacher in Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne.

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