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Panel discussion

Youth work in times of crises and the role of youth research

Join us for our panel discussion on 29 September. We are striving to stimulate a broader strategic discussion on youth research and youth practice by hearing viewpoints and perceptions of experts coming from policy, practice and research fields. The panel is part of the RAY Network Meeting and will contribute to one of the aims: to connect and contextualize the research findings and discuss the relevance and further use of research results. It will bring together a selected group of people to present their views on the practice-research-policy linkage, with a special focus on crises. Furthermore, the panel is planned to be constructed on the priorities of the European youth programmes*, with crises defining and linking these dimensions.


Youth work in times of crises and the role of youth research


29 September, 11:15-12:15 CEST



RAY YouTube channel:

RAY Facebook page:


Our panelists are:

>> Agnieszka Rybińska (head of research unit, Foundation for the Development of the Education System, Polish Erasmus+ National Agency)

>> Aine O´Gorman (young climate facilitator)

>> Alicja Pawluczuk (digital inclusion thinker/doer)

>> Babis Papaioannou (policy officer, European Commission/ Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture)

>> Tanja Strecker, RAY transnational research team


>> SAVE THE DATE & share with your colleagues and within your networks.

>> Check out our social media pages for related postings and introduction of panelists.


*Priorities of the Erasmus+ programme (

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