News & Highlights
Here you can find the latest news & highlights regarding our research findings, latest reports, upcoming RAY events & meetings, presentations at conferences, articles related to RAY… and much more!
Take a look?
New year - new episodes - new look! We start our Youth Research Dialogues in 2022 with the topic of inclusion and we ask the questions of who, why & what is missing? Join us on 22 February at 15:00 CET! More information here ->
Our new comparative research report explores the impact & development of Erasmus+ Youth in Action from 2014-2020. Want to find out what the project participants and project leaders reported?
On 14 December we had the fourth and last Youth Research Dialogue in 2021! Our speakers addressed the topic of innovation in European youth work and youth policy, guided by the question 'What is needed?'. The live stream is available here!
Our last Youth Research Dialogue in 2021, will deal with the topic of innovation in European youth work and youth policy and what is needed to support/strengthen it. Join us on 14 December. More information here!
The freshly published data report compares the three RAY monitoring survey cycles between 2014 and 2020 and analyses the development of E+/YiA for the whole programme period.
Our third Youth Research Dialogue took place on 8 November. We talked about youth participation and active citizenship within the European youth programmes as well as in a wider context. The livestream is available here!
Join us for our third Youth Research Dialogue on 8 November. We will talk about youth participation and active citizenship within the European youth programmes as well as in a wider context. More information here!
Our thematic online series of evidence-based youth research findings continues - join us for the third and the fourth Youth Research Dialogue. The dates and topics can be found here!
And more details will follow soon!
Join us for our online panel on 28 September! We will discuss recommendations for the next programme generation and insights from RAY reserach. With national RAY researchers & the transnational research team.
On 7 September, we discussed insights from our research project, RAY Monitoring of Erasmus+. What impact does the programme have? If you missed this Youth Research Dialogue, check out the recording of the live stream here!
The series continues - join us for the 2nd Youth Research Dialogue on 7 September. We will discuss insights from our RAY Monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth research project from the last 7 years. What impact does the programme have?
We were invited to the National Agency meeting and presented a sneak peek of our newest research findings from the RAY Corona research project and the RAY Monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth. Check out the presentation here!