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Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries

Shape cross-border ties!

Have you been involved in the implementation of a project with neighbouring partner countries? We have launched a new survey and would gladly hear your insights.

What is this all about?

The European Youth Programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps) have long offered the possibility for cooperation projects between programme countries and neighbouring partner countries*. Various thematic surveys and studies have been conducted to explore these collaborations, but a consistent analysis of the monitoring datasets of the RAY Network has not yet been undertaken. Against that backdrop, this explorative research project is analysing cooperation projects with neighbouring partner countries in the existing datasets and develop research instruments to systematically explore key aspects of the collaboration with neighbouring partner countries.
The project is implemented in close cooperation with the long-term strategic activity (LTA) on neighbouring partner countries – Beyond Borders –  and the regional SALTO Resource Centres.

What’s your experience?

Our new survey is for people who have implemented a project with neighbouring partner countries. Your experience could pave the way for stronger partnerships with neighbouring partner countries in the future.

If you want to take part, simply open this LINK which leads you to the survey.

Thank you very much for your time! 💙💛

Note: the survey will be remain open until December 15th 2023 at midnight.

How else can you support us?

Please help us in disseminating the survey among your beneficiaries, stakeholders, within your networks and friends.

We have published related posting on our RAY social media channels (feel free to share and like!):

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Further reading

What is this RAY research project (RAY NPC) about?

This research project aims to explore key aspects of collaboration with neighbouring partner countries in the context of the European youth programmes (RAY NPC).

The key objectives of this research project are to explore:

effects of projects funded through the European youth programmes on the actors involved, in particular on project teams and project participants, but also their organisations and communities;

access to the European youth programmes in general and neighbourhood cooperation projects specifically, at the level of young people as well as organisations, networks and groups; profiles of project participants and project teams and, to the extent possible, of organisations, networks and groups involved in cooperation projects with neighbouring partner countries;

needs of project teams and their organisations, networks and groups in relation to working with the European youth programmes generally and in projects with neighbouring partner countries specifically;

differences, if any, between projects involving organisations, networks and groups in EU Member States and third countries associated to the programmes, on the one hand, and neighbouring partner countries, on the other hand.

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