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Comparative Data Report

Effects and Outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme (RAY MON)



We proudly present the comparative data report which explores the effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme for the period 2014-2020.

RAY MON Comparative Data Report 2014-2020 [pdf 7,4MB]

(also available in the section ‘reports‘)


The freshly published data report compares the three RAY monitoring survey cycles (2015/2016, 2017/2018, 2019/2020) between 2014 and 2020 and analyses the development of E+/YiA for the whole programme period (across different effects: e.g. on competence development, participation and citizenship, learning organisations and communities, inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities etc.; as well as the implementation of the programme).


The multilingual online surveys (in 2019/2020 available in 29 languages) were conducted between October 2015 and June 2020 with project participants and project teams involved in Erasmus+ Youth in Action projects: Youth Exchanges (Key Action 1), European Voluntary Service (Key Action 1), Youth Dialogue – meetings between young people and decision-makers in the field of youth (Key Action 3) and Mobility of Youth Workers (Key Action 1). Additionally, participants of international Transnational Cooperation Activities of the E+/YiA National Agencies were addressed.


The study was implemented in cooperation with all our 35 RAY partner countries (between 2014-2020). Further information on our network can be found HERE.


Some hard facts:

  • Check out the 273 tables and dive into the data.
  • In the comparative analysis of all three survey cycles, a total of 53.144 project participants and a total of 10.789 project leaders were included (following a harmonisation of the applied data cleaning criteria across all three cycles).
  • Around half of the responding participants and more than two thirds of the responding project leaders were involved in Youth Exchanges.
  • A good third of responding PP was between 21 and 25 years old. The responding project leaders were older, 93% older than 20 years and 55% older than 30 years

If you are not that much into tables – stay tuned:

The narrative research report including key findings and conclusions will be published within the next weeks!


What is RAY Monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth (in Action) (RAY MON)?

The aim of this project is to contribute to quality assurance and quality development in the implementation of Erasmus+ Youth (formerly: in Action), to evidence-based and research-informed youth policy development and to a better understanding of learning mobility in the youth field.

Further details about the research project, its aim, research questions and design can be found HERE.


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