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A closer look at RAY

RAY MON, RAY CAP and RAY LTE – results and recommendations from the research

The Slovenian magazine Mladje (issued by Movit, Institute for the development of youth mobility, and Slovenian national agency for Erasmus+:Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps) has dedicated its latest issue to the RAY network, its research projects and findings.

The transnational research team (Ondřej Bárta, Johanna Böhler, Helmut Fennes, Susanne Gadinger, Andreas Karsten, Cara Lee Roth, Ashley Pitschmann) has contributed to the magazine with articles on RAY-MON, RAY-CAP and RAY-LTE as well as the RAY coordination office (Carmen Teubl) with an interview about RAY in general.

You can find the articles in English here:

RAY Network

Interview on the RAY Network – Research based Analysis of European Youth Programmes

Interviewee: Carmen Teubl, Interviewer: Mojca Mayr, editor of the magazine Mladje


Erasmus+ Youth in Action is intercultural learning at its best: a unique programme to experience cultural diversity and develop cultural empathy (Results and recommendations of the research work of the RAY Network and its monitoring and analysis of the European youth programmes)

by Andreas Karsten with Johanna Böhler and Cara Lee Roth


Training activities in Erasmus+ Youth in Action boost the competences of youth workers and youth leaders – and have some additional potential to unfold (Results and recommendations of the RAY research project “Competence development and capacity building of youth workers and youth leaders in Erasmus+ Youth in Action”)

by Andreas Karsten with Ashley Pitschmann and Cara Lee Roth


European youth projects are powerful in promoting participation and citizenship of young people – and they can become even more effective (Results and recommendations of the RAY research project “Long-term effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on participation and citizenship”)

by Susanne Gadinger with Ondřej Bárta and Helmut Fennes

The online version of the magazine can be accessed through the following link:

(Please note: the magazine and the articles are in Slovenian. You can also find contributions by the Slovenian RAY researchers Tomaž Deželan, Katja Nacevski and Nina Vombergar in this issue).

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