Team Member Introductions
Carmen Teubl-Kiviniemi
Project Manager
I started in this role in 2018, back then at the Austrian National Agency and oversaw the transition of the Network Coordination to the Finnish National Agency. My tasks and responsibilities are quite broad: from being an eagle having the oversight to trying to hold the strings together; from problem solving and crisis management to strategic planning and supporting the transnational research team and our partners; from daily management tasks and leading the Network Coordination team to putting my efforts in networking with relevant stakeholders as well as enhancing the visibility of the Network.
I am a self-declared cineaste, cat lover and lately expanding my love (also professionally) to mediation and conflict resolution.
Susanne Karppinen
I began working at RAY in January 2024. My main tasks for RAY focus on communication (e.g. social media and web communications) and event organizing, tough I also do some administrative tasks as well. In my role at the Finnish NA, I also spend a third of my work time doing communications at Eurodesk. I like that in my role I get to work with two different networks, which allows me to look at the European youth programmes from different perspectives.
At work, I mainly drink coffee, but I’m actually a more of a tea enthusiast at heart and currently have over 30 different flavours of tea at home!
Tiina Launiainen
Project Coordinator
I joined the RAY team in April 2022, and have since devoted a third of my work time for managing the various contracts, handling both invoices and invoicing, as well as other financial and administrative issues within the RAY coordination at EDUFI. I see my role as an enabler; managing the bureaucratic issues – which as an organized person I enjoy – I can help those who have the passion and knowledge for it to concentrate in making the youth programmes always a bit better. My other tasks in EDUFI include general grant administration and TCA/NET financial management.
I’m known for liking Excel and disliking Post-it notes.
Andreas Karsten
Transnational Research Coordination
I have been connected to RAY since its inception in different roles, from copy-editing and layout to coordinating thematic research projects. With the start of the new programme generation, I took over the transnational research coordination from Helmut. In that role, I guide, manage and support the research team and the implementation of all transnational research activities. Never a dull day!
Also not dull at all: the Lofoten, which I was lucky to visit recently – not for the last time, surely!
Andrea Horta
I started working at RAY in November 2020. My favorite part of my job is working at the messy point where research meets policy and practice. I find it enriching to understand how different interests come together and to figure out how professionals disparate backgrounds can work together. My main responsibilities include project design, transnational project management, research implementation and dissemination of results.
At meetings you’ll often find me doodling on my notebook.
Ashley Pitschmann
I started dabbling in RAY report editing as early as 2019, but my first major project was RAY COR in 2020. Just a month after publishing our first literature review, I presented its highlights at my first (and the network’s first online) network meeting. I wouldn’t get the joy of attending an in-person network meeting until 2023!! In my role, I explore the impact of European youth programs, from designing projects to analysing data. I especially enjoy brainstorming and collaborating with my fellow researchers.
In my free time, I perfect my sourdough recipe – an artful blend of art and science.