About us
The RAY Network – Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of European Youth Programmes – is an open and self-governed European research network. Currently, 36 National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action & European Solidarity Corps programmes and their research partners are involved.
Taking a look back
- The idea of having joint transnational research activities related to the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme was considered by a handful of National Agencies and researchers in 2008. It grew out and was initiated by the Austrian National Agency Erasmus+ Youth in Action (in particular the association where it was situated, then called ‘Interkulturelles Zentrum’) and its consortium partner, the ‘Institute of Educational Science’ of the University of Innsbruck. These two partners started a cooperation for a scientific accompanying research on national level at the start of the programme in 2007. The Austrian National Agency coordinated the network until the end of 2020.
- The RAY Network (then called ‘Research-based Analysis of Erasmus+ Youth in Action’) was founded in 2008, starting with one research project, the Monitoring Surveys of Erasmus+ Youth in Action, in 2009.
- Since then, the network has grown and currently involves 36 RAY partners in 34 countries.
- In 2019 it has officially changed its name to ‘Research-based Analysis of European Youth Programmes’, involving now also research related to the European Solidarity Corps.
Our main objectives
- To contribute to quality assurance and quality development in the implementation of the European Youth Programmes.
- To contribute to evidence-based and research-informed youth policy development in the youth field in Europe.
- To contribute to the recognition of non-formal education and learning in the youth field, in particular to a better understanding in the context of international youth work and learning mobility.
- To promote dialogue between research, policy and practice in the youth field.
Inside the network
The RAY Network is coordinated by the RAY Network Coordination (since 2021 at the Finnish National Agency for Education; from 2008- 2020 at IZ, the Austrian National Agency) & the RAY Research Team (Youth Policy Labs (YPL) and Genesis (Generation and Educational Science Institute)); formerly at the University of Innsbruck).
The RAY Coordination and other, by the network appointed RAY partners (National Agency together with research partner), form the RAY Strategy Group, which acts as a advisory committee of the network.
Map of RAY Network partners
Find out more about the 36 RAY partners in 34 countries, respective representatives and contact persons as well as national publications and further links by selecting a country below.
The RAY Network is open for new partners to join. Interested National Agencies for the European Youth Programmes and their research partners feel free to contact the network any time!
Select a country
Please click on a country to find out more!
RAY partner / National Agency
OeAD – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung
RAY partner / research institute
Universität Innsbruck
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Belgium (Flemish Community)
RAY partner / National Agency
RAY partner / research institute
Free University Brussels (VUB)
Belgium (French Community)
RAY partner / National Agency
Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ)
RAY partner / research institute
Department of Sociology, University of Louvain
Centre for Democracy, Institution and Subjectivity, at the University of Louvain
Belgium (German-speaking Community)
RAY partner / National Agency
Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
RAY partner / research institute
Not applicable
More information
RAY partner / National Agency
Human Resource Development Centre
RAY partner / research (institute)
Independent researcher
RAY partner / National Agency
Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes / Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije
RAY partner / research (institute)
Independent researchers
RAY partner / National Agency
Foundation for the Management of European Lifelong Learning Programmes (IDEP)
RAY partner / research institute
NA internal
RAY partner / National Agency
Dům zahraniční spolupráce (DZS)
RAY partner / research (institute)
Freelance youth researcher
RAY partner / National Agency
Estonian National Agency for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes
RAY partner / research (institute)
NA internal
Tallinn University School of Governance, Law and Society (formerly)
Institute for Baltic Studies (formerly)
RAY partner / National Agency
Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
RAY partner / research (institute)
Independent researcher
RAY partner / National Agency
Finnish National Agency for Education – EDUFI
RAY partner / research institute
Juvenia – Youth Research and Development Centre
RAY partner / National Agency
Agence française Erasmus + Jeunesse et sport / French Erasmus + Youth and Sport National Agency
RAY partner / research institute
NA internal
RAY partner / National Agency
JUGEND für Europa
RAY partner / research institute
IKAB e.V., Institut für angewandte Kommunikationsforschung
in der Außerschulischen Bildung
Forschungsgruppe Jugend und Europa
Centum für angewandte Politikforschung
RAY partner / National Agency
Youth and Lifelong Learning Foundation
RAY partner / research institute
Not applicable
RAY partner / National Agency
Tempus Közalapítvány / Tempus Public Foundation
RAY partner / research institute
Independent researcher (Rubeus Association)
RAY partner / National Agency
The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís)
RAY partner / research (institute)
Freelance researcher
RAY partner / National Agency
Léargas the Exchange Bureau
RAY partner / research institute
NA internal
RAY partner / National Agency
Agenzia Nazionale Per i Giovani
RAY partner / research institute
NA internal & Departement of Political and Social Studies, University of Salerno
RAY partner / National Agency
Agency for International Programs for Youth
RAY partner / research institute
Laboratory of Analytical and Strategic Studies Ltd.
RAY partner / National Agency
Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten (AIBA) / Agency for International Education Affairs
RAY partner / research institute
Not applicable
RAY partner / National Agency
Agency of International Youth Cooperation, National Agency for Erasmus+ Youth in Action & European Solidarity Corps
RAY partner / research institute
Not applicable
RAY partner / National Agency
RAY partner / research institute
University of Luxembourg – Youth research
RAY partner / National Agency
European Union Programmes Agency – EUPA
RAY partner / research institute
Faculty of Education, University of Malta
RAY partner / National Agency
National Agency Erasmus+ Youth, the Netherlands
RAY partner / research (institute)
NA internal
North Macedonia
RAY partner / National Agency
National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility
RAY partner / research (institute)
External experts
RAY partner / National Agency
Norway National Agency for Erasmus+: Youth in Action: Activ Ungdom
RAY partner / research (institute)
NA internal
RAY partner / National Agency
Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (Foundation for the Development of the Education System)
RAY partner / research institute
Internal research department of National Agency
RAY partner / National Agency
Agência Nacional para a Gestão do Programa Juventude em Ação
RAY partner / research institute
Universidade do Minho / Minho University
RAY partner / National Agency
Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesional
RAY partner / research (institute)
NA internal & external researchers
RAY partner / National Agency
INJUVE / Spanish Institute for Youth
RAY partner / research (institute)
Not applicable
RAY partner / National Agency
Fondacija Tempus / Foundation Tempus
RAY partner / research institute
Not applicable
RAY partner / National Agency
NIVAM – Národný inštitút vzdelávania a mládeže
RAY partner / research institute
Not applicable
RAY partner / National Agency
MOVIT – Institute for the development of youth mobility
RAY partner / research institute
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences
RAY partner / National Agency
Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society
RAY partner / research (institute)
Independent researcher
RAY partner / National Agency
Movetia – National Agency for Exchange and Mobility (Swiss Programme for Erasmus+)
RAY partner / research (institut)
Independent researchers
RAY partner / National Agency
Turkish National Agency, The Centre for European Union Education and Youth Programmes
RAY partner / research institute
Harran University, Marmara University