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Youth Research Dialogue

Youth Research Dialogue on 29 April

Save the date for the next Youth Research Dialogue on 29 April!

In the next episode, we will discuss the RAY COMP project. More information will follow in April.

This episode will be the second one in 2025. If you want to watch the first episode, you can find it here.


Follow our social media channels and our website to stay tuned!

What are the Youth Research Dialogues?

The overall aim of the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series is to not only to make RAY research findings more accessible but also other European youth research studies and create a dialogue between researchers about their findings. The ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series promotes different topics, e.g. inclusion and diversity, pandemic and youth work, digitalisation etc. In addition to researchers from the RAY Network, the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series features research colleagues from different global and European contexts and networks.

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