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RAY Triangular Summit


The KEY MESSAGES from the RAY Triangular Summit 2024 are available now!

This summary brief compiles the main insights and outputs from different sessions, discussions and reflections.

Overview of the key messages from the event with stakeholders from policy, practice and research:

  • The RAY Triangular Summit highlighted the crucial role of Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps, in fostering democratic values, social inclusion, and intercultural understanding across Europe.
  • The Summit’s discussions also emphasised the success of these programmes in providing safe spaces for participatory democracy and enhancing the international and intercultural competencies of young people.
  • The panels and workshops shed light on key areas for further development, including ensuring real-life interactions to counter digital isolation, fighting radicalisation, promoting civic engagement, and building solidarity through practical actions.
  • The importance of media literacy to navigate misinformation, secure sustainable funding, reach out to more young people – particularly those not engaged in the programmes and those with fewer opportunities – and recognise youth workers as professionals was also underlined.
  • Additionally, the need to tailor the programmes to local contexts while aligning with broader European goals was highlighted to enhance their relevance and impact.
  • The Summit concluded with a call for increased awareness of European opportunities and a collective effort to defend common values, ensuring that youth work remains a priority in policy and funding decisions.

The fully document of our KEY MESSAGES (pdf) can be found HERE.


Curious to find out more?

>> The conference report: THE MAIN INSIGHTS AND OUTCOMES (pdf) can be found HERE.

>> The RAY Triangular Summit took place in Helsinki from 22-24 May 2024 and gathered about 120 participants. It aimed to bring together policy, practice, and research to discuss the evidence-based research from the latest RAY Monitoring surveys and to foster informed discourse on how the findings can contribute to youth work practice, youth policy development, as well as the further development of the European youth programmes. For more information about the Triangular Summit, please refer to the designated website article.

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