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RAY Conference on Long-term Effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship (LTE)

International Youth Projects: An Impulse for Participation in a Democratic Society

Conference under the patronage of Ms. Michaela Šojdrová, Member of the European Parliament.
22-25 May 2018, European Youth Centre, Strasbourg, France

“The project helped me to realise and appreciate, how important it is to participate and to be an active citizen.”

Around 80 participants from 8 countries (CZ, DE, EE, IT, HU, MT, AT, FI) came to the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg to have a fruitful discussion and debate between interview partners (project participants and project leaders), NA staff and researchers based on the latest  preliminary findings of the research project. Two representatives of the Council of Europe – European Union Youth Partnership joined the conference, which was under the patronage of MEP Michaela Šojdrová. A video message of MEP Othmar Karas gave the conference additional acknowledgement.

Above all, the conference’ aim was to give recognition to the efforts of participants and project leaders in contributing to this research project through their participation in surveys and interviews.
With this conference we aimed to contribute to the current discussion on the topics participation and active citizenship based on the latest finding of this research project on Long Term Effects of Erasmus+: Youth in Action on Participation and Citizenship as well as receive feedback from the interview partners themselves, which is considered as a very valuable input for future interviews and surveys.

Programme (pdf 800 KB)

Interim Transnational Analysis 2018: Main Findings from interviews and surveys between 2015 and 2017 (pdf 540 KB)

Executive Summary (pdf 545 KB)

Recommendations (pdf 540 KB)

Video Message MEP Othmar Karas:

Watch on YouTube:

Following the saying “a picture is worth a thousend words” please find below the graphic records by Coline Robin which document the conference sessions.

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