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Youth Research Dialogue

Digital youth work: from policy to practice

The fourth episode in 2024 took place on 11 October. This time the focus was on digital youth work in the context of the European youth programmes and beyond. We discussed this topic along the lines of policy as well as practice insights and related questions.

In this special episode, we welcomed two organisations involved in the RAY DIGI project and listened to their work and reflection on digital youth work practices, different approaches, benefits and challenges. Clare Duffy, the artistic director of Civic Digits C.I.C, told us about the work of her organisation –  a data driven creative learning theatre company which focuses on young people their families and communities – as well as recent projects, such as Many Good Men (Many Good Men is a piece of digital forum theatre addressing the radicalisation of masculinity, incel culture and the manosphere,

Eva Křížová, founder of the USE-IT Prague group (part of the USE-IT Europe network), introduced us to their core work as well as recent projects. Their most renowned activity is publishing iconic square city maps for young travelers in a contemporary way with digital media (e.g. within the DIG-IT project,

After this inspiring dialogue, our guest speaker Alessandra Coppola (researcher, youth worker and project manager) shared findings from her PhD research on digital transformation in youth work – towards a human rights based digital youth work.

Followed by Friedemann Schwenzer, who is part of the RAY transnational research team and lead researcher for the RAY research project on the role of digitalisation in youth work and non-formal learning in the context of the European youth programmes (RAY DIGI).

During the discussion and dialogue, our speakers discussed the European policy context, digital realities of young people, digital youth work good practices, structural success factors as well as future needs for policy and practice.

Moderated by Tomi Kiilakoski and Domagoj Morić


Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to rewatch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:


>> Alessandra Coppola, researcher, youth worker and project manager: Alessandra Coppola is a youth sector professional with a multifaceted profile. Graduated in Political Science, she has been a youth worker and project manager for 10 years, locally and internationally; she is an activist for human rights, particularly in digital spaces and against hate speech. She’ also a policy expert involved in advocacy for the recognition of youth work, in Italy and internationally. She is currently a PhD student at University of Salerno with a research on digital transformation in youth work, including a human rights based perspective. Alessandra is the President of the youth organization APICE in Italy; a Board Member of NINFEA, the National Association of Youth Workers in Italy and part of the research team of Youth Wiki Italy. As an expert and consultant, she cooperates with the Eu-CoE Youth Partnership and with the Council of Europe, specifically with the Youth Department and with the Anti-discrimination Department – Hate Speech, Hate Crime and Artificial Intelligence Unit.

>> Friedemann Schwenzer, RAY transnational research team: Friedemann Schwenzer is a researcher at Youth Policy Labs, a research agency and think-tank in the youth sector, where he is part of the RAY transnational research team. Friedemann has an academic background in cultural studies and a professional background in youth work. Digital youth work has been at the core of his work for many years: He is the author of a curriculum on digital youth work ( and lead researcher of the RAY DIGI study, which he will present at the upcoming RAY Research Dialogue.

>> Clare Duffy / Civic Digits: Dr Clare Duffy is the artistic director of Civic Digits C.I.C, a data driven creative learning theatre company which focuses on young people their families and communities. Clare created Many Good Men in February 2024 at Hearts Football Club after co-writing it with two groups of young people. Many Good Men is a piece of digital forum theatre addressing the radicalisation of masculinity, incel culture and the manosphere. “Essential viewing for our time, not only for young people, but for everyone who cares about their future.” ★★★★  THE SCOTSMAN. Civic Digits made The Big Data Show a digitally interactive live and hybrid show about privacy, hacking and the value of data, which over 4000 young people ages 10 – 13 have participated in since 2017. It is part of an accredited course: An Introduction to Cyber Resilience and Digital Citizenship. Other on-going projects include Bad Actor/The Data Driven Actor and A.I and Planet Earth. More about Civic Digits can be found at

>> Eva Křížová / USE-IT (project DIG-IT): Eva Křížová has been leading the USE-IT Prague group since 2011, she is a board member of USE-IT Europe and a partner in Erasmus+ DIG-IT project. DIG-IT is a 3-years-long experimentation giving opportunities:

– to more youth initiatives to share local tourist info in a contemporary way with digital media

– developing IT skills for alternative touristic paper maps creators

– enabling young leaders to benefit from a strong innovative tool to convince official funders to support their initiative with the wider audience of youth urban travelers.

DIG-IT is strongly connected to the USE-IT project that has existed since the 1970s and transformed into the USE-IT Europe network in early 2000s. Its most renowned activity is publishing iconic paper square city maps for young travellers (

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