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First Youth Research Dialogue in 2024

Empowering Tomorrow: Impact of the European youth programmes

Our first Youth Research Dialogue in 2024 was part of our RAY Monitoring editions.

As a reminder, these special editions focus on our newest findings of the RAY Monitoring surveys with beneficaries of the European youth programmes. We started this series with our two Youth Research Dialogues in October and November 2023 and discussed first insights as well as Erasmus+ Youth programme journeys. You can rewatch the dialogues HERE and HERE.

The Youth Research Dialogue on 5 February focused on the impact of the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programmes. We discussed effects on young people, participants, communities and organisations. Which competences are acquired and strengthened through the participation in the European youth programmes? What impact does the projects have on community and society level? These questions and more were addressed in our dialogue by Johannes Eick and Andreas Karsten from the RAY transnational research team.

Moderation was done by Tomi Kiilakoski and digital facilitation by Domagoj Morić.

Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to re-watch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:


>> Johannes Eick is a youth and civic engagement researcher working for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. There, he is part of the transnational research team of the RAY Network for the Research-based analysis of European Youth Programmes. Currently, he is also working as a teacher in Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne.

>> Andreas Karsten also for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. He leads an international team of participatory research, public policy and open data aficionados, who works on transnational research with the RAY Network for the research-based analysis of European youth programmes.


The RAY Monitoring surveys are conducted with beneficiaries and participants of Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps. For the first time since the start of the pandemic the RAY Network is surveying project participants and project team members of the the European youth programmes. The current surveys have been launched in June 2023 and remained open until October 2023. The multilingual online surveys are aiming at analysing the impact of the European Youth Programmes and their effects on individual, organisational, community and European levels. Project participants and project team members who were part or implemented an Erasmus+ Youth or European Solidarity Corps project within the current programme period are invited to reflect on the effects of the projects and activities (e.g. on participation and citizenship, digitalisation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion) and their own learning pathway and competence development. Furthermore, the effects on learning organisations and communities, the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, the recognition of youth work, the European dimension as well as the implementation of the programmes are thematised.

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