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RAY Research Projects 2024/2025

Below you can find the PREVIEWS (concept notes, budgets and budget partner allocations for the transnational contributions) for the research projects related to the TCA/NET 2024.

Please note, these are previews, meaning the amounts are not final. The final budgets will be sent out when the contracts are issued (next year) – there shouldn’t be substantial changes regarding the overall budget sums and partner allocations, e.g. the participation of RAY partners might still change for individual projects. Please also take into account, that the current calculations are based on Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps funding budgets for 2023 (final budgets will be based on the funding budgets for 2024).


PREVIEW RAY partners in research and working groups_2024_2025 [20230928]

Update: PREVIEW RAY partners in research and working groups_2024_2025 [20231018]

RAY COMP (July 2024 – June 2025)

PREVIEW Concept Note [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget Partner Allocation [20230928]

RAY DIGI (July 2024 – June 2025)

PREVIEW Concept Note [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget Partner Allocation [20230928]

RAY LEARN (July 2024 – June 2025)

PREVIEW Concept Note [20230927]

PREVIEW Budget [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget Partner Allocation [20230928]

RAY MON (July 2024 – June 2025)

PREVIEW Concept Note [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget Partner Allocation [20230928]

RAY SOC (July 2024 – June 2025)

PREVIEW Concept Note [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget [20230928]

PREVIEW Budget Partner Allocation [20230928]



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