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Panel discussion

The impact of the European youth programmes – News from the RAY Monitoring surveys

Join us for our panel discussion on 12 September, livestreamed from our annual RAY Network Meeting.

The main aim of this panel discussion is to explore the newest findings from the RAY monitoring surveys which are conducted with beneficiaries and participants of the European youth programmes (Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps)[1]. First insights from data on European and transnational level as well as from national and regional contexts will be the pillars of this discussion. Developments over time, main messages from the current surveys as well as transnational and national specifics along programme priorities[2] will be discussed. Going beyond a mere description, a discussion on the potential impact on and perspectives for practice and policy could be initiated.



The impact of the European youth programmes – News from the RAY Monitoring surveys


12 September, 11:15-12:15 CEST



>> RAY YouTube channel:

>> RAY Facebook page:


Our panelists are:

>> Erlend Sand Bruer (RAY researcher for Norway)

>> Stefan Georgiev (RAY researcher for Bulgaria)

>> Ashley Pitschmann (RAY transnational research team)

>> Friedemann Schwenzer (RAY transnational research team)


>> SAVE THE DATE & share with your colleagues, friends and within your networks.

>> Check out our social media pages for related postings and introduction of the panelists.



In 2008, the RAY Network[3] was founded with the aim to contribute to quality assurance and quality development in the implementation of the European Union’s Youth in Action Programme (2007–2013). To that end, the initial network partners developed a framework for the first and core research project of the network: standard surveys for project participants and project teams. These standard surveys were further developed at the start of the next programme generation, Erasmus+ Youth in Action (2014–2020), resulting in this core research project on the research-based analysis and monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth in Action (RAY-MON), and subsequently to the research-based analysis and monitoring of the European Solidarity Corps (RAY-SOC). The studies are implemented in cooperation with all our RAY partner countries.

In the last programme period (2014-2020), a total of 53.144 project participants and a total of 10.789 project team members all over Europe and beyond fully responded to the RAY Monitoring surveys for Erasmus+ Youth[4].

For the first time since the start of the pandemic the RAY Network is surveying project participants and project team members of the Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programmes. The surveys have been launched in June 2023 and will remain open until September 2023. The multilingual online surveys aiming at analysing the impact of the European Youth Programmes and their effects on individual, organisational, community and European levels. Project participants and project team members who were part or implemented an Erasmus+ Youth or European Solidarity Corps project within the current programme period are invited to reflect on the effects of the projects and activities (e.g. on participation and citizenship, digitalisation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion) and their own learning pathway and competence development. Furthermore, the effects on learning organisations and communities, the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, the recognition of youth work, the European dimension as well as the implementation of the programmes are thematised.




[4] Effects and outcomes of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme: RAY Comparative Research Report (2014-2020), Transnational Analysis:

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