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Implementation of the European Solidarity Corps

Our second Youth Research Dialogue took place on 25 April.

We talked about the implementation of the European Solidarity Corps, including its opportunities and challenges, with Tanja Strecker from the RAY transnational research team and Annina Kurki, freelancer and trainer in the fields of youth, youth work, and European Youth Programmes

We heard about findings from transnational interviews with relevant stakeholders involved in the European Solidarity Corps, conducted by the RAY transnational research team (the analysis will be published in early summer) from Tanja.

Annina enriched the discussion by speaking about an analysis on networking activities and trainings within the European Solidarity Corps, which has previously been published by the SALTO European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre.

The dialogue was led by our newest team member, Leena Suurpää, director of the youth shelters at the Finnish Red Cross. She has been involved in youth research for many years, as a researcher, research director and civic activist.

Digital facilitation was done, as always, by Domagoj Morić.


Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to re-watch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:



>>> Annina Kurki, freelancer/trainer
Annina Kurki is a creative, innovative developer who works purposefully toward common goals. She is a facilitator and trainer in the fields of youth work and the European youth programmes. Furthermore she is working on participatory developments of services and processes.

>>> Tanja Strecker, RAY transnational research team
Tanja Strecker works in the RAY Network’s transnational research team, based at Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think-thank based in Berlin. She is also an associated lecturer at the University of Lleida (Spain). Tanja completed her Ph.D. in 2018 with longitudinal work on social inequality in higher education.

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