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First Youth Research Dialogue on 20 February

Renewing surveys in the youth field

New year, new dialogues, new topics, new speakers, new design – our Youth Research Dialogue series continued on 20 February.

During our first Youth Research Dialogue in 2023, we talked about survey development within the youth field with Andreas Karsten from the RAY transnational research team and Tomi Kiilakoski, leading Senior Researcher in the Finnish Youth Research Network.

Andreas shared insights and considerations in relation to the development of the ‘RAY Monitoring Surveys’. The RAY Network has been conducting surveys with beneficiaries of the European youth programmes since 2009. RAY is currently renewing the questionnaires for both the ‘Monitoring of the Erasmus+ Youth and the ‘Monitoring of the European Solidarity Corps’. The surveys will be shared with young people, youth leaders, youth workers and managers as well as other stakeholders all over Europe this spring.

Tomi talked about survey development and related challenges from a national perspective – the Finnish youth research sector and the ‘Youth Barometer’, which is a survey measuring the values and attitudes of young people aged 15–29 living in Finland.

Moderation was done by Carmen Teubl & digital facilitation by Domagoj Morić.

Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to re-watch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:



>> Tomi Kiilakoski , PhD, is a leading Senior Researcher in the Finnish Youth Research Network. He has studied youth participation, climate activism of the young and youth work. He actively engages in promoting participation and in the development of youth work and educational policy at the local and state levels in Finland.

>> Andreas Karsten works for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. He leads an international team of participatory research, public policy and open data aficionados, who works on transnational research with the RAY Network for the research-based analysis of European youth programmes.

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