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Our series continues on 21 October

Changing realities: how to research digital youth work in the future

Our thematic online series of evidence-based youth research findings will continue on 21 October. This time, we will shift our focus a bit and instead of discussing recent RAY research findings, we aim for a future-oriented dialogue on how to research digital youth work – needs and challenges. We will hear some insights and ideas from our RAY transnational research team as well as from our guest speaker.



Changing realities: how to research digital youth work in the future


21 October, 15:00 – 15:45 CEST


>> Juha Kiviniemi, Verke, Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work in Finland

Juha Kiviniemi is a digital youth work expert currently working for Verke, the national centre for expertise on Digital youth work in Finland. He is in his happy place when implementing technology into youth work in creative ways or whenever policy and practice need bridging. Current interests include exploring the implementation of the digital priority of the European youth programmes and on the practice side the implications and potential of AI-generated art for youth work.

>> Friedemann Schwenzer (RAY transnational research team)

Friedemann Schwenzer has a background in cultural studies. At Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector, he works at the intersections of youth work and research. He is co-author of a curriculum on digital youth work. As part of the RAY transnational research team, his focus is on digitalization within the European youth field.


Livestream, which can be followed

Here: (link is not accessible yet)

Here: (YouTube)

Moderated by

Tomi Kiilakoski and Domagoj Morić


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What are the Youth Research Dialogues?

The overall aim of the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series is to not only to make RAY research findings more accessible but also other European youth research studies and create a dialogue between researchers about their findings. The ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series  promotes different topics, e.g. inclusion and diversity, pandemic and youth work, digitalisation etc.

In addition to researchers from the RAY Network, the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series  features research colleagues from different global and European contexts and networks.

The Youth Research Dialogue series is addressed to the European youth sector and participation will be possible through a livestream, and the recorded video can also be watched after the live event.

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