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Our first Youth Research Dialogue in 2022

Inclusion & Diversity – who and what is missing?

Our thematic online series of evidence-based youth research findings is continuing on 22 February 2022 (new year – new episodes – new look 🙂 )

Our first Youth Research Dialogue in 2022 will deal with inclusion. We will talk about RAY research findings on this topic (e.g. from our study ‘Exploring inclusion in Erasmus+ Youth in Action: Effects of inequalities on learning outcomes’) and hear from our guest speaker (to be announced soon!). We aim for a future perspective and will put the focus on the ‘who, why & what is missing’ when it comes to the participation of young people with fewer opportunities within the European youth programmes and the wider context of the European youth field.



Inclusion and the youth field: who & what is missing?


22 February, 15:00 – 15:45 CET


>> Dr. sc. Dunja Potočnik is a Head of the Centre for Youth and Gender Studies at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb. Her expertise covers quantitative and qualitative research on youth, education, employment, social inclusion, social structure, gender, migrations and digitalization.  Dunja has been engaged in youth research and youth policy for almost twenty years, and she is a member of the Advisory Group of the Pool of the European Youth Researchers coordinated by the Youth Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

>> Andreas Karsten works for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. He leads an international team of participatory research, public policy and open data aficionados, who works on transnational research with the RAY Network for the research-based analysis of European youth programmes. He will speak about the RAY research study on the effects of social inequalities on learning outcomes.


Livestream, which can be followed here:

(link is not accessible yet)

Moderated by

Tomi Kiilakoski and Domagoj Morić


->  Check out our social media pages for related posts.

->  See you there!


What is the RAY research study on the effects of social inequalities on learning outcomes?

The study explores how different dimensions of social inequality affect the individual learning outcomes of young people who participated in Erasmus+ Youth in Action projects, focusing on the development of skills for lifelong learning, particular related to participation in society and democratic life, intercultural interaction, learning and personal development. The respective learning outcomes were analysed with respect to educational inequality, employment inequality, inequality related to participation in civil society and democratic life, inequality resulting from migration or belonging to a minority, and inequality related to mobility, using objective and subjective indicators for these different dimensions of inequality.

The study is based on a secondary analysis of data collected through the RAY surveys within ‘Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ (RAY-MON).

-> Research report

-> Summary 


What are the Youth Research Dialogues?

The overall aim of the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series is to not only to make RAY research findings more accessible but also other European youth research studies and create a dialogue between researchers about their findings. The ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series  promotes different topics, e.g. inclusion and diversity, pandemic and youth work, digitalisation etc.

In addition to researchers from the RAY Network, the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series  features research colleagues from different global and European contexts and networks.

The Youth Research Dialogue series is addressed to the European youth sector and participation will be possible through a livestream, and the recorded video can also be watched after the live event.

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