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Third Youth Research Dialogue on 8 November

Join us, when we talk about youth participation

Our third Youth Research Dialogue will put the topic of youth participation and active citizenship in the focus. We will hear from our RAY research project on participation and citizenship education and learning in the European youth programmes (more information about the research below). We have invited two guest speakers, who will address youth participation and its forms in a wider context (outside the programmes).


Youth Participation & Active Citizenship:

How can it be supported (even) more?


8 November, 15:00 – 15:45 CET


>> Natalia Waechter is a professor in Social Pedagogy at the University of Graz, Austria, Department of Educational Science. Her research focuses on generations, youth and young adults, digitalization and social inequalities, identity, migration, as well as on international quantitative and qualitative studies. At the Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, she is leading the EU research project ySKILLS (2020-2023) investigating digital skills of young people. In her presentation at the Youth Research Dialogue she will talk about self-conceptions of young activists in the Fridays for Future movement.

>> Helmut Fennes is a researcher with a special focus on non-formal and informal education and learning, in particular with respect to participation of young people and adults in civil society and democratic life. He is a founding member of the Austian Network for Youth Research. Helmut is working for the Generation and Educational Science Institute (genesis), has worked for the RAY Network since its foundation in 2008 and has been involved in numerours RAY research projects on the the research-based analysis of European Youth Programmes. He will be providing insights into how European Youth Programmes foster the development of participation and citizenship practice.

>> Dr. Kari Saari works as a researcher in Juvenia –Youth Research and Development Centre in South-Eastern University of Applied Sciences (Xamk). He holds the title of docent (sociology of law and criminology) in University of Turku, Finland. His research interests have focused on youth studies, civic activism, social movements, ethnic relations, citizenship and the relations between the police and citizens. Recently Saari has worked as a researcher in two projects funded by the Academy of Finland (‘Citizenship Constellations’/ ‘Citizen Mindscapes’) and EU-funded (FP7) international ‘Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civil Engagement (MYPLACE)’ project.


Livestream, which can be followed here:

Moderated by

Tomi Kiilakoski and Domagoj Morić


-> Hope to see you there.

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What is the RAY research project on approaches to participation and citizenship education and learning (RAY PART)?

The aim of this research project is to explore how competences for participation and democratic citizenship could be developed in and through the European Youth Programmes.

The RAY Network conducted a research project on long-term effects of Erasmus+ Youth in Action on participation and active citizenship (RAY LTE) between 2015 and 2019. The main findings of the transnational analysis of this research project included a number of recommendations referring to the development of promoting participation and active citizenship. As a result, the present research project was launched, focusing on how competences and practices for participation and democratic citizenship could be developed in European Youth Programmes.

Further information and reading on RAY PART can be found HERE.


What are the Youth Research Dialogues?

The overall aim of the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series is to not only to make RAY research findings more accessible but also other European youth research studies and create a dialogue between researchers about their findings. The ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series will promote different topics, e.g. inclusion and diversity, pandemic and youth work, digitalisation etc.

In addition to researchers from the RAY Network, the ‘Youth Research Dialogues’ series will feature research colleagues from different global and European contexts and networks.

The Youth Research Dialogue series is addressed to the European youth sector and participation will be possible through a livestream, and the recorded video can also be watched after the live event.

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