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Online panel

Recommendations for the next programme generation –                Insights from RAY research

On 28 September 2021, the RAY Network hosted an online panel which put the research project, RAY Monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth, in the focus of the discussion and addressed the following questions: What can the research tell us about the past 7 years (2014-2020) and in terms of pathways for the new programme generation (2021-2027)? Which changes seem crucial for the EU youth programmes? Which insights for the next 7 years can be drawn from RAY research?

Our panelists brought transnational as well as country perspectives to the table and discussed recommendations for the European youth sector and the youth programmes during this moderated dialogue.

Our speakers were national RAY researchers as well as members oft the RAY transnational research team:

Mateusz Jeżowski works as a coordinator for the Research and Analysis Department of the Polish National Agency of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, the Youth Wiki and as a national correspondent for the European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy. He is also a lecturer and PhD candidate in sociology and at the University of Warsaw.

Daniel Silander is Associate Professor of Political Science and Research leader for European Studies at Linnaeus University Sweden. He is also independent researcher at RAY for Sweden and the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society.

Margareta Gregurović is a research associate at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb, and RAY researcher for Croatia since 2016. She has over 17 years of experience in international research (e.g., OECD PISA and TALIS) with a specific focus on social inequalities and vulnerable groups of young people (especially migrants and low SES). She will present together with Ema Ćerimagić, who is a programme officer at the Croatian National Agency.

Tomaž Deželan is a professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a researcher at the Centre for Political Science Research at the same faculty. He is also an associate researcher at the University of Edinburgh, School of Law, where he acts as a country expert in the Citsee project.

Andrea Horta works for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. She has a research background in neuroscience and psychology and has recently joined the transnational research team of the RAY Network. She will present together with Andreas Karsten, who leads the international team of participatory research, public policy and open data aficionados at Youth Policy Labs.


Live stream
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to re-watch the Online Panel again, just access the recording of the live stream here (pl note: link is currently under construction, it will be provided soon!)




What is the Erasmus+ Youth programme / are the European youth programmes?

The Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme ran from 2014-2020 and was part of the EU funding programme for education, training, youth and sport. The new programme generation of Erasmus+ started in 2021.

The European youth programmes are Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps.

Find out more on the website of the European Commission – HERE.


What is the RAY research project on the evidence-based analysis and monitoring of Erasmus+ Youth (in Action)?

This research project aimed to explore a broad scope of aspects of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme (2014-2020) in order to contribute to practice development, to improving the implementation of Erasmus+ Youth programme and to the development of the next programme generation.

The research design was based on multilingual online surveys (currently in 29 languages) with actors involved in projects founded through the Erasmus+ Youth programme. Project participants and project leaders/team members were invited to participate in these surveys between two and ten months after the end of their project.

The research project will continue within the new programme generation of Erasmus+ Youth with the next survey cycle starting in 2022, as a joint activity of all RAY Network partners.

Further information and reading on RAY MON can be found HERE.

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