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Live stream available!

7 INSIGHTS from 7 YEARS of RESEARCH – Impact of Erasmus+ Youth

Thank you for joining the second episode of our thematic online series of evidence-based youth research findings – the Youth Research Dialogues.

Our speakers Margareta Gregurović  (Research Associate & RAY Researcher for Croatia) & Andreas Karsten (RAY Transnational Research Team) presented 7 insights from 7 years of  RAY research of Erasmus+ Youth (in Action) as well as the shift in the effects of the Erasmus+ programme on the project leaders and participants.

This was followed by a lively dialogue between the two researchers, moderated by Tomi Kiilakoski, including a lot of audience input (questions for the two speakers).

A thank you also to Domagoj Morić who is responsible for the digital facilitation & visuals.


Live stream available
If you didn’t have the time to join or want to re-watch the Youth Research Dialogue again, just access the recording of the live stream here:


What’s next
Further episodes are planned in 2021 – most likely we will continue at the end of October/beginning of November. Dates & topics will be announced on our RAY website (events and news sections).

See you next time!

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