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Findings of the RAY Inclusion Study presented

RAY at the Strategic Partnership on Inclusion

This week is dedicated to the findings of our RAY research – and presenting them 🙂 We had the pleasure of having a second presentation – this time a the meeting of the Strategic Partnership on Inclusion (4 March).

We were invited to the give an input on RAY with the focus on the study
Exploring inclusion in Erasmus+ Youth in Action: Effects of inequalities on learning outcomes’ which was published last year.

More information
about the study can be found HERE (including report, summary and factsheet).


One of the key finding of the study is: ‘By and large, E+/YiA projects do not lead to further inequalities in learning outcomes. Young people with fewer opportunities who participate in an E+/YiA project achieve, in general, similar learning outcomes as their peers with ‘normal’ (or average) opportunities.’

Want to find out more? Check out the presentation which is available via this LINK


Outlook – a new research project (RAY EQUAL) which will look deeper into the topic will be conducted at a later stage in this new programme period of the EU youth programmes, most probably starting in 2023.

It will aim to explore the effects of inequalities on learning outcomes for participants in projects funded by the European youth programmes and how young people being exposed to such inequalities are supported in their personal and competence development through the European youth programmes.

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