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Multilingual Main Survey

The impact of the Corona pandemic on youth work in Europe

The next phase of the RAY Corona Research Project starts now with the second, larger, multilingual survey!


We need your support

Please share the survey within your networks and/or take part if you are …

  • a youth worker / (normally) offering youth work
  • a young person that (normally) takes part in youth work

(at local, regional, national and/or international across all of Europe)

Link to the survey: 


Thank you for your contribution!

We have posted/will post all related information on our RAY social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) – feel free to share our posts 🙂


Additional information – UPDATE

  • A data snapshot & updated literature review is available soon (second half of February)
  • The survey is available in 25 languages now!
  • The survey will run through autumn and winter.
  • Monthly data snapshots will be published to illustrate what youth work is doing, how youth work is doing, and what youth work needs during these times.
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